22.10.2024 | Erfurt | 18:30 Uhr | Clara-Zetkin-Straße 40, 99099 Erfurt |in cooperation with REFUGIO Thüringen | Info
11.08.2024 | Würzburg | 18:00h | Kino Central im Bürgerbräu | in cooperation with the Würzburger Bündnis für Demokratie und Zivilcourage e.V. and Museum im Kulturspeicher (MiK)|Info
16.07.2024 | Jena | 19:30h | Kulturschlachthof |in cooperation with REFUGIO Thüringen | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)
22.06.2024 | Berlin | 15:00h | Filmkunst 66 | as part of the Jewish Film Festival Berlin Brandenburg | Info
22.06.2024 | Potsdam | 19:00h | Thalia Kino|as part of the Jewish Film Festival Berlin Brandenburg| Info
19.03.2024 | Berlin | 18:00h | Theater an der Parkaue | Info (with our protagonist Ibrahim Arslan)
21.02.2024 | Walldürn | 19:00h | Herz Statt Hetze Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis | Info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
02.12.2023 | Mülheim an der Ruhr | 20:00 h | Makroscope | as part of the film series of Film:Gesellschaft | Info
08.11.2023 | Berlin | 20:00 Uhr | B-Lage | in cooperation with filmarche e.V. | Info
22.10.2023 | Hannover | in cooperation with “Bündnis Ahlem für Vielfalt
21.10.2023 | Hamm | 16:00 Uhr | in cooperation with Flüchtlingshilfe Hamm e.V. |more info (talk with our protagonist Ibrahim Arslan)
09.06.2023 | Nürnberg | 19:30 h | Luise – The Cultfactory | in cooperation with the initiative “Das Schweigen Durchbrechen” | more info
11.05.2023 | Weimar | “A Matter of Trust” Kultursymposium by Goethe Institute | Panel Talk with Mala Reinhardt on 11.05.2023 at 3.30pm| more info
31.03.2023 | Kiel | 16:00 h | Gewerkschaftshaus Kiel | in cooperation with Arbeit und Leben Schleswig-Holstein e.V. | more info
19.02.2023 | Hamburg| 17:00 h | Vogelhüttendeich 30 RIA | in cooperation with the initiative „Romani Kafava“ in rememberance of the attack in Hanau 2020 | more info
09.02.2023 | Erfurt | 18:00 h | Gedenk- und Bildungsstätte Andreasstraße | in cooperation with Stiftung Ettersberg | more info (with Mala Reinhardt)
06.02.2023 | Halle | 18:00 h | Puschkino | in rememberance of the racist attack in Hanau | more info
17.12.2022 | Ahrensburg | 14 h | Peter Ranzau Haus | in cooperation with Gegen Vergessen – Für Demokratie e.V. | more info
13.12.2022 | Kiel | 19 h | Kino in der Pumpe | in cooperation with Türkische Gemeinde Schleswig-Holstein | more info
27.11.2022 | Hamburg | Kino Metropolis
24.11.2022 | Berlin | 13:00 h | Oyoun | in cooperation with Türkischer Bund in Berlin-Brandenburg as part of a memorial event on the 30th anniversary of the racist arson attack in Mölln | Info
21.11.2022 | Berlin | in cooperation with W.I.R. Lautstark | Info
15.11.2022 | Halberstadt | 19:00 h| Soziokulturelles Zentrum ZORA | in cooperation with DOCS ON TOUR | Info
14.11.2022 | Berlin | 19:30 h | BAIZ Kultur- und Schankwirtschaft | in cooperation with AG Silvio Meier Gedenken | Info
10.11.2022 | Kiel | 19:00 h | Alte Meierei | in cooperation with Autonome Antifa-Koordination Kiel | Info
29.09.2022 | Berlin | 18:00 h | Firlstr. 36 | in cooperation with ABW Dialog-Migrationsberatung and Zentrum für Demokratie Treptow-Köpenick
06.09.2022 | Syke | 18:30 h | Hansa Kino Syke | in cooperation with Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen | more info coming soon (with our protagonist Ibrahim Arslan and Mala Reinhardt)
05.09.2022 | Berlin | 18:30 h | Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte | commemorating the 30th anniversary of the racist pogrom in Rostock-Lichtenhagen | info (with our protagonist Mai Phương Kollath – update: due to sickness the talk has to be cancelled)
05.05.2022 | Berlin | 19:00 h | Theater Vierte Welt | info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
07.04.2022 | Hamburg | 19:00 h | HSV-Fanhaus |as part of the exhibition „Ins rechte Licht gerückt – Der Einfluss von rechts auf die HSV-Fanszene der 1980er Jahre“ |info
24.03.2022 | Leipzig | 17:30 h | in cooperation with RAA Leipzig e.V., RAA Sachsen e.V. as well as ZEOK e.V. | more info
22.03.2022 | Halle | 18:30 h | Puschkino | in cooperation with the soligroup TEKİEZ as part of the “Bildungswochen gegen Rassismus” | more info (in Anwesenheit unserer Protagonistin Özge Pınar Sarp)
17.03.2022 | Hessisch Lichtenau | 18:30 h | Bürgerhaus | in cooperation with Grün Linkes Bündnis Hessisch Lichtenau | more info
15.03.2022 | Online | 19:30 h| in cooperation with the Integration Guides of the WinWin Volunteer Center Nuremberg County | info
17.02.2022 | Berlin | 19:00 h | Theater an der Parkaue | more info (with Mala Reinhardt)
25.11.2021 | Frankfurt am Main | 18:00 h | ESG Frankfurt | info
23.11.2021 | Hannover | 18:00 h | Kommunales Kino Hannover Koki | in rememberance of the racist attacks in Mölln, in cooperation with Schauspiel Hannover | Info
19.11.2021 | Innsbruck (A) | Inncontro Film Festival | info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
08.11.2021 | Berlin | 18:00 h | Maxim Gorki Theater | Supporting program 61-91-21 of the exhibition “Open Trial” on the NSU Complex, youth workshop |info
07.11.2021 | Köln | 19:30 h | Kulturbunker Köln-Mülheim | as part of the theater project about the NSU complex “Kein Schlussstrich” | info
05.11.2021 | Zwickau | 19:00 h | Roter Baum e.V. | Opening event for the theme day “if the kids are united against racism” | info
19.10.2021 | Freiburg (Online) | 19:00 h | in cooperation with iz3w as part of the series “10 Jahre nach der Selbstenttarnung des NSU. Kein Schlussstrich!” | more info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
18.10.2021 | Bremen | 20:00 h | City 46 Kino | as part of the series „Kein Schlussstrich“ – From Remembrance to Change – Struggles against Right-Wing Violence and Terrorism | more info
17.09.2021 | Wolfsburg| 10:00 h | Delphin-Filmpalast | as part of LetsDok Niedersachsen | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)
16.09.2021 | Wolfsburg | 18:00 h | Delphin-Filmpalast | as part of LetsDok Niedersachsen | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)
21.08.2021 | Berlin | 20:00 h | in cooperation with Bi’bak as part of the series Sinema Transtopia: „Fiktionsbescheinigung. 16 filmische Perspektiven auf Deutschland“ | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)
17.08.2021 | Accra, Ghana | 17:00 h | Brazil House | African Premiere at Chale Wote Street Art Festival! | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)
09. – 30.06.2021 | Berlin (Online) | as part of Berlinale Forum in the film and discussion series „Fiktionsbescheinigung. 16 filmische Perspektiven auf Deutschland“ | Info
24.06.2021 | Köln (Online) | 19:00 h | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)
01.06.2021 | Dresden (Online) | 18:30 h | in cooperation with Referat Gleichstellungspolitik of TU Dresden | Info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
04.05.2021 | München (Online) | 20:45 h | as part of the programme “Radikale Wirklichkeit” | in cooperation with Münchner Kammerspiele and Migrantenstadl | Info
28.04.2021 | Köln (Online) | 18:00 h | as part of the programme “Diversity Welcome. Rassismuskritik und Antidiskriminierung” | in cooperation with TH Köln | more info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
17.04.2021 | Mannheim (Openair) | 20:00 h | as part of the programme ‘For Each Of You / Her Biriniz İçin / Jeden Von Euch’ curated by Didem Yazıcı in Maquis Mami | Info
22.03.2021 | Regensburg (Online) | 18:30 h | in cooperation with Jugendwerkstatt Regensburg e.V. | info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
22.03.2021 | Gütersloh (Online) | 17:45 h | in cooperation with the city of Gütersloh | info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
19.03.2021 | Osnabrück (Online) | 19:00 h | in cooperation with Exil – Osnabrücker Zentrum für Flüchtlinge e.V. | info (with Mala Reinhardt, Patrick Lohse and our protagonist Özge Pınar Sarp)
18.03.2021 | Freiburg (Online) | 18:00 h | in cooperation with the educational project „Fernsicht im iz3w“ | info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
23.02.2021 | Heidelberg (Online) | 19:00 h | in rememberance of the attack in Hanau 2020 | in cooperation with Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg, Karlstorbahnhof Heidelberg, Kompetenznetz Plurales Heidelberg and the Nationaltheater Mannheim | Info
15.02.2021 | Mannheim (Online) | 19:00 h | in rememberance of the attack in Hanau 2020 | in cooperation with Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg, Karlstorbahnhof Heidelberg, Kompetenznetz Plurales Heidelberg and the Nationaltheater Mannheim | Info
09.12.2020 | Online | 19:00 h | in cooperation with Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Baden-Württemberg | more info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 29.11.2020 | Hannover | 12:00 h | Kino am Raschplatz | as part of the Human Rights Day, in cooperation mit Kargah/Bündnis für Menschenrechte
CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 28.11.2020 | Hannover | 12:00 h | Kino am Raschplatz | as part of the Human Rights Day, in cooperation mit Kargah/Bündnis für Menschenrechte
CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 25.11.2020 | Hannover | 18:00 h | Kino am Raschplatz | in cooperation with Kargah/Bündnis für Menschenrechte | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)
CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 19.11.2020 | Freiburg im Breisgau | 19:30 h | Koki Freiburg
18.11.2020 | Online | 19:00 h | in cooperation with Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Baden-Württemberg | (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 18.11.2020 | Freiburg im Breisgau | 19:30 h | Koki Freiburg | in cooperation with Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Baden-Württemberg | (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 17.11.2020 | Stuttgart | 19:00 h | Württembergischer Kunstverein | in cooperation with Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Baden-Württemberg | (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 16.11.2020 | Konstanz | 18:30 h | Zebra-Kino | in cooperation with Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Baden-Württemberg | Info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 04.11.2020 | Berlin | 18:00 h | La Casa | in cooperation with “AK gegen rechte Gewalt an der Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin” | funded by the Action Fund of the Partnership for Democracy Hellersdorf as part of the federal program “Demokratie leben! | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)
23.10.2020 | Online | 12:00 h | as part of the interdisciplinary art festival Fluctoplasma | in cooperation with BAFNET | Info
09.10.2020 | Einbeck | 19:00 h | Marktkirche St. Jacobi | in cooperation with “Einbeck ist bunt!” as part of the Intercultural Week in the district of Northeim by Partnerschaft für Demokratie im Landkreis Northeim and the Koordinierungsstelle Migration und Teilhabe | Info (with Patrick Lohse)
01.10.2020 | Magdeburg | 19:00 h | Auslandsgesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. | in cooperation with unSichtbar – Netzwerk für Women of Colour Magdeburg and the Arbeitskreis Antirassismus Magdeburg | Info (with Patrick Lohse and Mala Reinhardt)
28.09.2020 | Mühlheim am Main | 18:30 h | Kulturhalle SCHANZ | in cooperation with Partnerschaft für Demokratie des Kreises Offenbach | Info (with our protagonist Ibrahim Arslan)
24.09.2020 | Dortmund | 18:00 h | Dietrich-Keuning-Haus | in cooperation with the Filmclub Silver Screen and the “Reality Bites” project of Scope Institute | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)
22.09.2020 | Frankfurt am Main | 20:00 h | naxos.Kino | followed by a talk with Newroz Duman (angefragt) “Initiative 19.Februar Hanau”, Hermann Schaus, MdL, DIE LINKE. Fraktion im Hessischen Landtag, Stellv. Vorsitzender des Lübcke-Untersuchungsausschusses | Info
20.09.2020 | Dortmund | 16:30 Uhr | Roxy Kino | as part of Favorite Festival | in cooperation with Maşallah Dortmund and Interkultur Ruhr | Info
16.09.2020 | Hamburg | 18:00 h | Brakula – Kultur in Bramfeld | Info
11.09.2020 | Hamburg | approx. 20:30 h | Balduintreppe, 20359 Hamburg | in cooperation with the filmclub “Moderne Zeiten”
07.09.2020 | Frankfurt am Main | 20:15 h | Pupille – Kino in der Uni | Info
04.09.2020 | Kiel | 19:30 h | Bahide-Arslan-Platz | Info (with our protagonist Ibrahim Arslan and Mala Reinhardt)
28.08.2020 | Düsseldorf | 21:00 h | Flingern Lichtspiele | in cooperation with Filmwerkstatt Düsseldorf | Info (with Patrick Lohse)
02.07.2020 | Online | 17:00 h | Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF | in cooperation with Forum Diversity as part of the University public project presentations (HÖPP)
04.07.2020 | Nürnberg | 20:00 h | Luise – The Cultfactory | in cooperation with the initiative “Das Schweigen Durchbrechen” | more info
21.04.2020 – 26.04.2020 | Lichter Filmfest Frankfurt | Our film is shown online as part of the On-Demand Programme in the section “Zukunft Deutscher Film”
CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 21.04.2020 | Freiburg im Breisgau | more info coming soon
CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 02.04.2020 | Dortmund | more info coming soon
CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 02.04.2020 | Berlin | 19:00 h | Aquarium im Südblock | in cooperation with “Initiative zur Aufklärung des Mordes an Burak Bektaş” | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)
CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 31.03.2020 | Wilhelmshaven | 19:30 h | Alter Wasserturm | in cooperation with Amnesty International | Info
CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 23.03.2020 | Regensburg | 19:30 h | FilmGalerie – Kino im Leeren Beutel | as part of the International Weeks against Racism 2020 | Info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 22.03.2020 | Bremen | 19:30 h | Cinema im Ostertor | in cooperation with Amnesty International | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)
CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 20.03.2020 | Gütersloh | 18:00 h | Programmkino Bambi/Löwenherz, Bogenstr. 3 | Info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 19.03.2020 | Lohne | Screening for school classes – Closed Event | 11:00 h | Capitol Kino | in cooperation with “Schulkinowochen Niedersachsen” | Info (with Patrick Lohse)
CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 19.03.2020 | Lohne | 20:00 h | Capitol Kino | in cooperation with Präventionsrat Lohne and “Schulkinowochen Niedersachsen” | Info (with Patrick Lohse)
CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 18.03.2020 | Magdeburg | 19:00 h | at Auslandsgesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. | in cooperation with Initiative unSichtbar – Netzwerk für Women of Colour Magdeburg and the Arbeitskreis Antirassismus Magdeburg | Info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 17.03.2020 | Lohne | Screening for school classes – Closed Event | 11:00 h | Capitol Kino | in cooperation with “Schulkinowochen Niedersachsen” | Info (with Patrick Lohse)
06.02.2020 | Hannover | 20:15 h | Apollo Kino | Info
03.02.2020 | Hamburg | 18:00 h | Syntagma, Von-Melle-Park 5 | in cooperation with Gegen Vergessen – Für Demokratie e.V. | Info
27.01.2020 | Salzwedel | 18:00 h | Filmpalast Salzwedel | Info
21.01.2020 | Karlsruhe | 10:00 h | Kinemathek Karlsruhe | Screening for school classes | as part of the series “Gemeinsam gewollte Gesamtkonzeption – Rechtsradikale Realitäten in Deutschland” by Heinrich-Böll Stiftung Baden-Württemberg
14.01.2020 | Karlsruhe | 10:00 h | Kinemathek Karlsruhe | Screening for school classes | as part of the series “Gemeinsam gewollte Gesamtkonzeption – Rechtsradikale Realitäten in Deutschland” by Heinrich-Böll Stiftung Baden-Württemberg
13.01.2020 | Göttingen | 20:00 h | Filmtheater Lumiere | in cooperation with Amnesty International | Info (talk with Patrick Lohse)
19.12.2019 | Berlin | 17:00 h | Alice-Salomon Hochschule | Info (discussion with Mala Reinhardt, Biblap Basu – Reach Out Berlin, Tahir Della – Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland e.V., Fatma Kar – Netzwerk Polylux e.V.)
18.12.2019 | Leipzig | 19:00 h | GRASSI Museum | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt)
18.12.2019 | Hamburg | 19:00 h | 3001 Kino | Info (talk with our protagonist Ibrahim Arslan)
10.12.2019 | Cottbus | 19:00 h | Obenkino | in cooperation with Heinrich-Böll Stiftung Brandenburg | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt)
09.12.2019 | Remake. Frankfurter Frauenfilmtage | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt)
07.12.2019 | This Human World Filmfestival Wien | Info
04.12.2019 | Berlin | 19:00 h | SAVVY Contemporary | Info (followed by film discussion by Angelika Nguyen)
03.12.2019 | Bochum | 20:00 h | Bahnhof Langendreer | Info (talk with Patrick Lohse)
26.11.2019 | München | 19:00 h | Tröpferlbad | Info
24.11.2019 | Karlsruhe | 17:00 h | Kinemathek Karlsruhe | as part of the series “Gemeinsam gewollte Gesamtkonzeption – Rechtsradikale Realitäten in Deutschland” by Heinrich-Böll Stiftung Baden-Württemberg | Info
22.11.2019 | Karlsruhe | 19:00 h | Kinemathek Karlsruhe |as part of the series “Gemeinsam gewollte Gesamtkonzeption – Rechtsradikale Realitäten in Deutschland” by Heinrich-Böll Stiftung Baden-Württemberg | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
21.11.2019 | Düsseldorf | 19:00 h | Hochschule Düsseldorf | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt, Patrick Lohse and our protagonists Mai Phương Kollath and Ayşe Güleç)
20.11.2019 | Köln | 19:00 h| Filmforum im Museum Ludwig | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
Closed event! 20.11.2019 | Hamburger Schulkinowochen | 11:00 h | Abaton Kino | Info
19.11.2019 in Braunschweig |18:30 h | Großes Haus Brunswick | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
Closed event! 19.11.2019 | Hamburger Schulkinowochen | 12:00 h | Zeise-Kinos | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt)
18.11.2019 | 14. Herforder Filmtage | 19:30 h | Capitol Kino | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
18.11.2019 | 14. Herforder Filmtage (Schulveranstaltung) | 10:30 h | Capitol Kino | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
15.11.2019 | Kinofest Lünen | 16:15 h | Cineworld Lünen | Info
We won the RuhrPott, the festival’s documentary film prize!
15.11.2019 | Hamburg | 20:00 h | Zinnschmelze | Info
14.11.2019 | Nürnberg | 19:00 h | Bahnhofstr. 87 | Info
14.11.2019 | Lübeck | 18:00 h | Kino Koki | Info
14.11.2019 | Kasseler Dokfest | 14.30 h | Gloria Kino | Info
We are nominated for the Golden Key, the festival’s Young Talent Award! (talk with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
12.11.2019 | Wetzlar | Globale Mittelhessen | Info
08.11.2019 | Bremen | 18:00 h | Freizeitheim Bremen-Aumund (talk with Mala Reinhardt and our protagonist Özge Pınar Sarp)
07.11.2019 | Marburg | Globale Mittelhessen | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt)
05.11.2019 | Potsdam | 19:00 h | THALIA Kino Babelsberg | in cooperation with Opferperspektive e. V. | Info
02.11.2019 | NSU-Tribunal in Chemnitz | 13:00 h | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt)
01.11.2019 | Dresden | 19:30 h | Kino im Dach | in cooperation with RAA Sachsen Opferberatung and Bündnis gegen Rassismus Sachsen | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt)
31.10.2019 | Zwickau | 18:00 h | Zwickauer Volxküche in the Old Gasometer, Kleine Biergasse 3 | in cooperation with W.I.R. Lautstark, the Zwickau Volxküche and Roter Baum e.V. Zwickau | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt)
31.10.2019 | Crossroads Filmfestival Graz (A) | Info
30.10.2019 | Werdau | 19:00 h | School Hall, Alexander-von-Humboldt-Str. 4 | in cooperation with W.I.R. Lautstark | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt)
29.10.2019 | Jena | 19:00 h | Kino am Markt | in cooperation with NSU-Komplex Auflösen Jena, with support of Amadeu Antonio Stiftung and LAP Jena | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt)
18.10.2019 | Unabhängiges Filmfest Osnabrück | Info
Nomination for the festival’s Peace Prize! (talk with Mala Reinhardt)
16.10.2019 | Lüneburg | 19:30 h | Infocafé Anna und Arthur | in cooperation with Literaturbetrieb Lüneburg and Lüneburger Netzwerk gegen Rechts | Info
(talk with our protagonist Ibrahim Arslan)
16.10.2019 | DokumentART in Neubrandenburg | Info
Nomination in the competition “Bruchkante”!
(talk with Mala Reinhardt)
08.10.2019 | Dachau | 6. Intercultural weeks of the city of Dachau | Freiraum Dachau e. V. | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt)
06. and 07.10.2019 | 11. Nuremberg International Human Rights Film Festival | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt)
06.10.2019 | Rosenheim | Z – Linkes Zentrum in Selbstverwaltung | Info
23.09.2019 | Bremen | Symposium “Gute Bildung in schlechten Zeiten II” of LAG Kritische Bildungsarbeit | Info
20.09.2019 | DUKA Filmfestival auf Schloss Schönow / Uckermark | Info
28.08.2019 | Hamburg | Kino Südpol | Film series “Cineastische Keimzelle” | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt and our protagonist Ibrahim Arslan)
27. and 28.08.2019 | Kiel | Kino in der Pumpe | Kiel Documentary Film Summer | in cooperation with Zentrum für Betroffene rechter Angriffe (zebra) and Amnesty International | Info
26.08.2019 | Rostock | Lichtspieltheater Wundervoll in der FRIEDA | BÖLL-Montagskino by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung MV | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt and our protagonist Mai Phương Kollath)
25.08.2019 | Berlin | Jugendclub Drugstore im Exil | Workshop “Der NSU-Komplex: Kein Schlussstrich nach dem Prozess” | organised by Bildungsinitiative Lernen aus dem NSU-Komplex (BiLaN) | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt)
02.08.2019 | Berlin | Freiluftkino im FMP1 | in cooperation with Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt)
11.07.2019 | Neuruppin | JWP-MittenDrin Kollektiv | in cooperation with Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung Brandenburg | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt)
27.06.2019 | Deutscher Dokumentarfilmpreis | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
26.06.2019 | Hannover | Kino im Sprengel | festival contre le racisme – in cooperation with AStA of the University of Hannover | Info
(talk with Patrick Lohse and our protagonist Ibrahim Arslan)
21.06.2019 | Merseburg | Offener Kanal Merseburg Querfurt e.V. | in cooperation with Bündnis Merseburg für Vielfalt und Zivilcourage | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)