22.10.2024 | Erfurt | 18:30 Uhr | Clara-Zetkin-Straße 40, 99099 Erfurt |in cooperation with REFUGIO Thüringen | Info

11.08.2024 | Würzburg | 18:00h | Kino Central im Bürgerbräu | in cooperation with the Würzburger Bündnis für Demokratie und Zivilcourage e.V. and Museum im Kulturspeicher (MiK)|Info

16.07.2024 | Jena | 19:30h | Kulturschlachthof |in cooperation with REFUGIO Thüringen | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)

22.06.2024 | Berlin | 15:00h | Filmkunst 66 | as part of the Jewish Film Festival Berlin Brandenburg | Info

22.06.2024 | Potsdam | 19:00h | Thalia Kino|as part of the Jewish Film Festival Berlin Brandenburg| Info

19.03.2024 | Berlin | 18:00h | Theater an der Parkaue | Info (with our protagonist Ibrahim Arslan)

21.02.2024 | Walldürn | 19:00h | Herz Statt Hetze Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis | Info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

02.12.2023 | Mülheim an der Ruhr | 20:00 h | Makroscope | as part of the film series of Film:Gesellschaft | Info

08.11.2023 | Berlin | 20:00 Uhr | B-Lage | in cooperation with filmarche e.V. | Info

22.10.2023 | Hannover | in cooperation with “Bündnis Ahlem für Vielfalt

21.10.2023 | Hamm | 16:00 Uhr | in cooperation with Flüchtlingshilfe Hamm e.V. |more info (talk with our protagonist Ibrahim Arslan)

09.06.2023 | Nürnberg | 19:30 h | Luise – The Cultfactory | in cooperation with the initiative “Das Schweigen Durchbrechen” | more info

11.05.2023 | Weimar | “A Matter of Trust” Kultursymposium by Goethe Institute | Panel Talk with Mala Reinhardt on 11.05.2023 at 3.30pm| more info

31.03.2023 | Kiel | 16:00 h | Gewerkschaftshaus Kiel | in cooperation with Arbeit und Leben Schleswig-Holstein e.V. | more info

19.02.2023 | Hamburg| 17:00 h | Vogelhüttendeich 30 RIA | in cooperation with the initiative „Romani Kafava“ in rememberance of the attack in Hanau 2020 | more info

09.02.2023 | Erfurt | 18:00 h | Gedenk- und Bildungsstätte Andreasstraße | in cooperation with Stiftung Ettersberg | more info (with Mala Reinhardt)

06.02.2023 | Halle | 18:00 h | Puschkino | in rememberance of the racist attack in Hanau | more info

17.12.2022 | Ahrensburg | 14 h | Peter Ranzau Haus | in cooperation with Gegen Vergessen – Für Demokratie e.V. | more info

13.12.2022 | Kiel | 19 h | Kino in der Pumpe | in cooperation with Türkische Gemeinde Schleswig-Holstein | more info

27.11.2022 | Hamburg | Kino Metropolis

24.11.2022 | Berlin | 13:00 h | Oyoun | in cooperation with Türkischer Bund in Berlin-Brandenburg as part of a memorial event on the 30th anniversary of the racist arson attack in Mölln | Info

21.11.2022 | Berlin | in cooperation with W.I.R. Lautstark | Info

15.11.2022 | Halberstadt | 19:00 h| Soziokulturelles Zentrum ZORA | in cooperation with DOCS ON TOUR | Info

14.11.2022 | Berlin | 19:30 h | BAIZ Kultur- und Schankwirtschaft | in cooperation with AG Silvio Meier Gedenken | Info

10.11.2022 | Kiel | 19:00 h | Alte Meierei | in cooperation with Autonome Antifa-Koordination Kiel | Info

29.09.2022 | Berlin | 18:00 h | Firlstr. 36 | in cooperation with ABW Dialog-Migrationsberatung and Zentrum für Demokratie Treptow-Köpenick

06.09.2022 | Syke | 18:30 h | Hansa Kino Syke | in cooperation with Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen | more info coming soon (with our protagonist Ibrahim Arslan and Mala Reinhardt)

05.09.2022 | Berlin | 18:30 h | Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte | commemorating the 30th anniversary of the racist pogrom in Rostock-Lichtenhagen | info (with our protagonist Mai Phương Kollath – update: due to sickness the talk has to be cancelled)

05.05.2022 | Berlin | 19:00 h | Theater Vierte Welt | info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

07.04.2022 | Hamburg | 19:00 h | HSV-Fanhaus |as part of the exhibition „Ins rechte Licht gerückt – Der Einfluss von rechts auf die HSV-Fanszene der 1980er Jahre“ |info

24.03.2022 | Leipzig | 17:30 h | in cooperation with RAA Leipzig e.V., RAA Sachsen e.V. as well as ZEOK e.V. | more info

22.03.2022 | Halle | 18:30 h | Puschkino | in cooperation with the soligroup TEKİEZ as part of the “Bildungswochen gegen Rassismus” | more info (in Anwesenheit unserer Protagonistin Özge Pınar Sarp)

17.03.2022 | Hessisch Lichtenau | 18:30 h | Bürgerhaus | in cooperation with Grün Linkes Bündnis Hessisch Lichtenau | more info

15.03.2022 | Online | 19:30 h| in cooperation with the Integration Guides of the WinWin Volunteer Center Nuremberg County | info

17.02.2022 | Berlin | 19:00 h | Theater an der Parkaue | more info (with Mala Reinhardt)

25.11.2021 | Frankfurt am Main | 18:00 h | ESG Frankfurt | info

23.11.2021 | Hannover | 18:00 h | Kommunales Kino Hannover Koki | in rememberance of the racist attacks in Mölln, in cooperation with Schauspiel Hannover | Info

19.11.2021 | Innsbruck (A) | Inncontro Film Festival | info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

08.11.2021 | Berlin | 18:00 h | Maxim Gorki Theater | Supporting program 61-91-21 of the exhibition “Open Trial” on the NSU Complex, youth workshop |info

07.11.2021 | Köln | 19:30 h | Kulturbunker Köln-Mülheim | as part of the theater project about the NSU complex “Kein Schlussstrich” | info

05.11.2021 | Zwickau | 19:00 h | Roter Baum e.V. | Opening event for the theme day “if the kids are united against racism” | info

19.10.2021 | Freiburg (Online) | 19:00 h | in cooperation with iz3w as part of the series “10 Jahre nach der Selbstenttarnung des NSU. Kein Schlussstrich!” | more info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

18.10.2021 | Bremen | 20:00 h | City 46 Kino | as part of the series „Kein Schlussstrich“ – From Remembrance to Change – Struggles against Right-Wing Violence and Terrorism | more info

17.09.2021 | Wolfsburg| 10:00 h | Delphin-Filmpalast | as part of LetsDok Niedersachsen | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)

16.09.2021 | Wolfsburg | 18:00 h | Delphin-Filmpalast | as part of LetsDok Niedersachsen | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)

21.08.2021 | Berlin | 20:00 h | in cooperation with Bi’bak as part of the series Sinema Transtopia: „Fiktionsbescheinigung. 16 filmische Perspektiven auf Deutschland“ | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)

17.08.2021 | Accra, Ghana | 17:00 h | Brazil House | African Premiere at Chale Wote Street Art Festival! | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)

09. – 30.06.2021 | Berlin (Online) | as part of Berlinale Forum in the film and discussion series „Fiktionsbescheinigung. 16 filmische Perspektiven auf Deutschland“ | Info

24.06.2021 | Köln (Online) | 19:00 h | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)

01.06.2021 | Dresden (Online) | 18:30 h | in cooperation with Referat Gleichstellungspolitik of TU Dresden | Info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

04.05.2021 | München (Online) | 20:45 h | as part of the programme “Radikale Wirklichkeit” | in cooperation with Münchner Kammerspiele and Migrantenstadl | Info

28.04.2021 | Köln (Online) | 18:00 h | as part of the programme “Diversity Welcome. Rassismuskritik und Antidiskriminierung” | in cooperation with TH Köln | more info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

17.04.2021 | Mannheim (Openair) | 20:00 h | as part of the programme ‘For Each Of You / Her Biriniz İçin / Jeden Von Euch’ curated by Didem Yazıcı in Maquis Mami  | Info

22.03.2021 | Regensburg (Online) | 18:30 h | in cooperation with Jugendwerkstatt Regensburg e.V. | info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

22.03.2021 | Gütersloh (Online) | 17:45 h | in cooperation with the city of Gütersloh | info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

19.03.2021 | Osnabrück (Online) | 19:00 h | in cooperation with Exil – Osnabrücker Zentrum für Flüchtlinge e.V. | info (with Mala Reinhardt, Patrick Lohse and our protagonist Özge Pınar Sarp)

18.03.2021 | Freiburg (Online) | 18:00 h | in cooperation with the educational project „Fernsicht im iz3w“ | info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

23.02.2021 | Heidelberg (Online) | 19:00 h | in rememberance of the attack in Hanau 2020 | in cooperation with Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg, Karlstorbahnhof Heidelberg, Kompetenznetz Plurales Heidelberg and the Nationaltheater Mannheim | Info

15.02.2021 | Mannheim (Online) | 19:00 h | in rememberance of the attack in Hanau 2020 | in cooperation with Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg, Karlstorbahnhof Heidelberg, Kompetenznetz Plurales Heidelberg and the Nationaltheater Mannheim | Info

09.12.2020 | Online | 19:00 h | in cooperation with Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Baden-Württemberg | more info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 29.11.2020 | Hannover | 12:00 h | Kino am Raschplatz | as part of the Human Rights Day, in cooperation mit Kargah/Bündnis für Menschenrechte

CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 28.11.2020 | Hannover | 12:00 h | Kino am Raschplatz | as part of the Human Rights Day, in cooperation mit Kargah/Bündnis für Menschenrechte

CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 25.11.2020 | Hannover | 18:00 h | Kino am Raschplatz | in cooperation with Kargah/Bündnis für Menschenrechte | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)

CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 19.11.2020 | Freiburg im Breisgau | 19:30 h | Koki Freiburg

18.11.2020 | Online | 19:00 h | in cooperation with Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Baden-Württemberg | (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 18.11.2020 | Freiburg im Breisgau | 19:30 h | Koki Freiburg | in cooperation with Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Baden-Württemberg | (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 17.11.2020 | Stuttgart | 19:00 h | Württembergischer Kunstverein | in cooperation with Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Baden-Württemberg | (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 16.11.2020 | Konstanz | 18:30 h | Zebra-Kino | in cooperation with Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Baden-Württemberg | Info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 04.11.2020 | Berlin | 18:00 h | La Casa | in cooperation with “AK gegen rechte Gewalt an der Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin” | funded by the Action Fund of the Partnership for Democracy Hellersdorf as part of the federal program “Demokratie leben! | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)

23.10.2020 | Online | 12:00 h | as part of the interdisciplinary art festival Fluctoplasma | in cooperation with BAFNET | Info

09.10.2020 | Einbeck | 19:00 h | Marktkirche St. Jacobi | in cooperation with “Einbeck ist bunt!” as part of the Intercultural Week in the district of Northeim by Partnerschaft für Demokratie im Landkreis Northeim and the Koordinierungsstelle Migration und Teilhabe | Info (with Patrick Lohse)

01.10.2020 | Magdeburg | 19:00 h | Auslandsgesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. | in cooperation with  unSichtbar – Netzwerk für Women of Colour Magdeburg and the Arbeitskreis Antirassismus Magdeburg | Info (with Patrick Lohse and Mala Reinhardt)

28.09.2020 | Mühlheim am Main | 18:30 h | Kulturhalle SCHANZ | in cooperation with Partnerschaft für Demokratie des Kreises Offenbach | Info (with our protagonist Ibrahim Arslan)

24.09.2020 | Dortmund | 18:00 h | Dietrich-Keuning-Haus | in cooperation with the Filmclub Silver Screen and the “Reality Bites” project of Scope Institute | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)

22.09.2020 | Frankfurt am Main | 20:00 h | naxos.Kino | followed by a talk with Newroz Duman (angefragt) “Initiative 19.Februar Hanau”, Hermann Schaus, MdL, DIE LINKE. Fraktion im Hessischen Landtag, Stellv. Vorsitzender des Lübcke-Untersuchungsausschusses | Info

20.09.2020 | Dortmund | 16:30 Uhr | Roxy Kino | as part of Favorite Festival | in cooperation with Maşallah Dortmund and Interkultur Ruhr | Info

16.09.2020 | Hamburg | 18:00 h | Brakula – Kultur in Bramfeld | Info

11.09.2020 | Hamburg | approx. 20:30 h | Balduintreppe, 20359 Hamburg | in cooperation with the filmclub “Moderne Zeiten”

07.09.2020 | Frankfurt am Main | 20:15 h | Pupille – Kino in der Uni | Info

04.09.2020 | Kiel | 19:30 h | Bahide-Arslan-Platz | Info (with our protagonist Ibrahim Arslan and Mala Reinhardt)

28.08.2020 | Düsseldorf | 21:00 h | Flingern Lichtspiele | in cooperation with Filmwerkstatt Düsseldorf | Info (with Patrick Lohse)

02.07.2020 | Online | 17:00 h | Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF | in cooperation with Forum Diversity as part of the University public project presentations (HÖPP)

04.07.2020 | Nürnberg | 20:00 h | Luise – The Cultfactory | in cooperation with the initiative “Das Schweigen Durchbrechen” | more info

21.04.2020 – 26.04.2020 | Lichter Filmfest Frankfurt | Our film is shown online as part of the On-Demand Programme in the section “Zukunft Deutscher Film”

CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 21.04.2020 | Freiburg im Breisgau | more info coming soon

CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 02.04.2020 | Dortmund | more info coming soon

CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 02.04.2020 | Berlin | 19:00 h | Aquarium im Südblock | in cooperation with “Initiative zur Aufklärung des Mordes an Burak Bektaş” | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)

CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 31.03.2020 | Wilhelmshaven | 19:30 h | Alter Wasserturm | in cooperation with Amnesty International | Info

CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 23.03.2020 | Regensburg | 19:30 h | FilmGalerie – Kino im Leeren Beutel | as part of the International Weeks against Racism 2020 | Info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 22.03.2020 | Bremen | 19:30 h | Cinema im Ostertor | in cooperation with Amnesty International | Info (with Mala Reinhardt)

CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 20.03.2020 | Gütersloh | 18:00 h | Programmkino Bambi/Löwenherz, Bogenstr. 3 | Info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 19.03.2020 | Lohne | Screening for school classes – Closed Event | 11:00 h | Capitol Kino | in cooperation with “Schulkinowochen Niedersachsen” | Info (with Patrick Lohse)

CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 19.03.2020 | Lohne | 20:00 h | Capitol Kino | in cooperation with Präventionsrat Lohne and “Schulkinowochen Niedersachsen” | Info (with Patrick Lohse)

CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 18.03.2020 | Magdeburg | 19:00 h | at Auslandsgesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. | in cooperation with Initiative unSichtbar – Netzwerk für Women of Colour Magdeburg and the Arbeitskreis Antirassismus Magdeburg | Info (with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

CANCELLATION DUE TO CORONA! 17.03.2020 | Lohne | Screening for school classes – Closed Event | 11:00 h | Capitol Kino | in cooperation with “Schulkinowochen Niedersachsen” | Info (with Patrick Lohse)

06.02.2020 | Hannover | 20:15 h | Apollo Kino | Info

03.02.2020 | Hamburg | 18:00 h | Syntagma, Von-Melle-Park 5 | in cooperation with Gegen Vergessen – Für Demokratie e.V. | Info

27.01.2020 | Salzwedel | 18:00 h | Filmpalast Salzwedel | Info

21.01.2020 | Karlsruhe | 10:00 h | Kinemathek Karlsruhe | Screening for school classes | as part of the series “Gemeinsam gewollte Gesamtkonzeption – Rechtsradikale Realitäten in Deutschland” by Heinrich-Böll Stiftung Baden-Württemberg

14.01.2020 | Karlsruhe | 10:00 h | Kinemathek Karlsruhe | Screening for school classes | as part of the series “Gemeinsam gewollte Gesamtkonzeption – Rechtsradikale Realitäten in Deutschland” by Heinrich-Böll Stiftung Baden-Württemberg

13.01.2020 | Göttingen | 20:00 h | Filmtheater Lumiere | in cooperation with Amnesty International | Info (talk with Patrick Lohse)

19.12.2019 | Berlin | 17:00 h | Alice-Salomon Hochschule | Info (discussion with Mala Reinhardt, Biblap Basu – Reach Out Berlin, Tahir Della – Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland e.V., Fatma Kar – Netzwerk Polylux e.V.)

18.12.2019 | Leipzig | 19:00 h | GRASSI Museum | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt)

18.12.2019 | Hamburg | 19:00 h | 3001 Kino | Info (talk with our protagonist Ibrahim Arslan)

10.12.2019 | Cottbus | 19:00 h | Obenkino | in cooperation with Heinrich-Böll Stiftung Brandenburg | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt)

09.12.2019 | Remake. Frankfurter Frauenfilmtage | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt)

07.12.2019 | This Human World Filmfestival Wien | Info

04.12.2019 | Berlin | 19:00 h | SAVVY Contemporary | Info (followed by film discussion by Angelika Nguyen)

03.12.2019 | Bochum | 20:00 h | Bahnhof Langendreer | Info (talk with Patrick Lohse)

26.11.2019 | München | 19:00 h | Tröpferlbad | Info

24.11.2019 | Karlsruhe | 17:00 h | Kinemathek Karlsruhe | as part of the series “Gemeinsam gewollte Gesamtkonzeption – Rechtsradikale Realitäten in Deutschland” by Heinrich-Böll Stiftung Baden-Württemberg | Info

22.11.2019 | Karlsruhe | 19:00 h | Kinemathek Karlsruhe |as part of the series “Gemeinsam gewollte Gesamtkonzeption – Rechtsradikale Realitäten in Deutschland” by Heinrich-Böll Stiftung Baden-Württemberg | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

21.11.2019 | Düsseldorf | 19:00 h | Hochschule Düsseldorf | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt, Patrick Lohse and our protagonists Mai Phương Kollath and Ayşe Güleç)

20.11.2019 | Köln | 19:00 h| Filmforum im Museum Ludwig | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

Closed event! 20.11.2019 | Hamburger Schulkinowochen | 11:00 h | Abaton Kino | Info

19.11.2019 in Braunschweig |18:30 h | Großes Haus Brunswick | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

Closed event! 19.11.2019 | Hamburger Schulkinowochen | 12:00 h | Zeise-Kinos | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt)

18.11.2019 | 14. Herforder Filmtage | 19:30 h | Capitol Kino | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

18.11.2019 | 14. Herforder Filmtage (Schulveranstaltung) | 10:30 h | Capitol Kino | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

15.11.2019 | Kinofest Lünen | 16:15 h | Cineworld Lünen | Info
We won the RuhrPott, the festival’s documentary film prize!

15.11.2019 | Hamburg | 20:00 h | Zinnschmelze | Info

14.11.2019 | Nürnberg | 19:00 h | Bahnhofstr. 87 | Info

14.11.2019 | Lübeck | 18:00 h | Kino Koki | Info

14.11.2019 | Kasseler Dokfest | 14.30 h | Gloria Kino | Info
We are nominated for the Golden Key, the festival’s Young Talent Award! (talk with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

12.11.2019 | Wetzlar | Globale Mittelhessen | Info

08.11.2019 | Bremen | 18:00 h | Freizeitheim Bremen-Aumund (talk with Mala Reinhardt and our protagonist Özge Pınar Sarp)

07.11.2019 | Marburg | Globale Mittelhessen | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt)

05.11.2019 | Potsdam | 19:00 h | THALIA Kino Babelsberg | in cooperation with Opferperspektive e. V. | Info

02.11.2019 | NSU-Tribunal in Chemnitz | 13:00 h | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt)

01.11.2019 | Dresden | 19:30 h | Kino im Dach | in cooperation with RAA Sachsen Opferberatung and Bündnis gegen Rassismus Sachsen | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt)

31.10.2019 | Zwickau | 18:00 h | Zwickauer Volxküche in the Old Gasometer, Kleine Biergasse 3 | in cooperation with W.I.R. Lautstark, the Zwickau Volxküche and Roter Baum e.V. Zwickau | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt)

31.10.2019 | Crossroads Filmfestival Graz (A) | Info

30.10.2019 | Werdau | 19:00 h | School Hall, Alexander-von-Humboldt-Str. 4 | in cooperation with W.I.R. Lautstark | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt)

29.10.2019 | Jena | 19:00 h | Kino am Markt | in cooperation with NSU-Komplex Auflösen Jena, with support of Amadeu Antonio Stiftung and LAP Jena | Info (talk with Mala Reinhardt)

18.10.2019 | Unabhängiges Filmfest Osnabrück | Info
Nomination for the festival’s Peace Prize! (talk with Mala Reinhardt)

16.10.2019 | Lüneburg | 19:30 h | Infocafé Anna und Arthur | in cooperation with Literaturbetrieb Lüneburg and Lüneburger Netzwerk gegen Rechts | Info
(talk with our protagonist Ibrahim Arslan)

16.10.2019 | DokumentART in Neubrandenburg | Info
Nomination in the competition “Bruchkante”!
(talk with Mala Reinhardt)

08.10.2019 | Dachau | 6. Intercultural weeks of the city of Dachau | Freiraum Dachau e. V. | Info 
(talk with Mala Reinhardt)

06. and 07.10.2019 | 11. Nuremberg International Human Rights Film Festival | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt)

06.10.2019 | Rosenheim | Z – Linkes Zentrum in Selbstverwaltung | Info

23.09.2019 | Bremen | Symposium “Gute Bildung in schlechten Zeiten II” of LAG Kritische Bildungsarbeit | Info

20.09.2019 | DUKA Filmfestival auf Schloss Schönow / Uckermark | Info

28.08.2019 | Hamburg | Kino Südpol | Film series “Cineastische Keimzelle” | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt and our protagonist Ibrahim Arslan)

27. and 28.08.2019 | Kiel | Kino in der Pumpe | Kiel Documentary Film Summer | in cooperation with Zentrum für Betroffene rechter Angriffe (zebra) and Amnesty International | Info

26.08.2019 | Rostock | Lichtspieltheater Wundervoll in der FRIEDA | BÖLL-Montagskino by Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung MV | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt and our protagonist Mai Phương Kollath)

25.08.2019 | Berlin | Jugendclub Drugstore im Exil | Workshop “Der NSU-Komplex: Kein Schlussstrich nach dem Prozess” | organised by Bildungsinitiative Lernen aus dem NSU-Komplex (BiLaN) | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt)

02.08.2019 | Berlin | Freiluftkino im FMP1 | in cooperation with Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt)

11.07.2019 | Neuruppin | JWP-MittenDrin Kollektiv | in cooperation with Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung Brandenburg | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt)

27.06.2019 | Deutscher Dokumentarfilmpreis | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

26.06.2019 | Hannover | Kino im Sprengel | festival contre le racisme – in cooperation with AStA of the University of Hannover | Info
(talk with Patrick Lohse and our protagonist Ibrahim Arslan)

21.06.2019 | Merseburg | Offener Kanal Merseburg Querfurt e.V. | in cooperation with Bündnis Merseburg für Vielfalt und Zivilcourage | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)

20.06.2019 | Halle | Zazie Kino | in cooperation with “NSU-Komplex auflösen Halle” and Mobile Opferberatung | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
19.06.2019 | Leipzig | Cinémathèque in der naTo | in cooperation with Antidiskriminierungsbüro Sachsen | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
23. Mai 2019 in Berlin | Wolf Kino | in cooperation with ver.di FilmUnion | Report by moderator Gunther Eschke (DE)
(talk with Mala Reinhardt)
16.05.2019 | Leipzig | Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst | in cooperation with DOK Leipzig and the Förderkreis GfZK | Info
15.05.2019 | Lüneburg | SCALA Programmkino | in cooperation with Fachschaft Bildung, Gewerkschaft für Erziehung und Wissenschaft GEW, Institut für Sozialpädagogik und Soziale Arbeit, Sparkassenstiftung and the AStA as well as the StuPa of the University of Lüneburg
10. / 14. und 18.05.2019 | DOCS AGAINST GRAVITY (PL) | Info
Our international Premiere!
07.05.2019 | Oldenburg | series “NSU – Racist Violence and Patterns of Institutionalised Racism” | in cooperation with the University of Oldenburg | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt and Patrick Lohse)
15. und 17.04.2019 | Achtung Berlin – New Berlin Film Award | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt, Federico Neri, Falco Seliger, Benjamin Cölle and our protagonist Özge Pınar Sarp)
12.04.2019 | Internationales Frauenfilmfestival Dortmund / Köln | Info
(talk with Mala Reinhardt, Patrick Lohse, Katharina Degen and our protagonist Özge Pınar Sarp)
03.04.2019 | Kassel | Filmladen Kassel | in cooperation with response / Bildungsstätte Anne Frank
(talk with Mala Reinhardt and our protagonist Ayşe Güleç)

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